Looking to buy some land?

Our goal is to streamline land transactions, making them more approachable and straightforward

Whether you’ve gone through the process before or are a first-time land buyer, I’m here to guide you through every step of the process. Today’s market is extremely competitive, and deals are moving more quickly than ever. This highlights the need to be well-prepared, ensuring you can move swiftly and confidently when the right land or lot comes along.

Our signature Swiss Precision Plan is designed to help you navigate transactions with precision, efficiency, and speed. You'll feel confident and empowered to make quick, well-informed decisions that align perfectly with your best interests.

Our mission is to make land transactions humane and simple.

Hi, I'm Désirée Till!

Before immigrating to Canada, I was a globe-trotting soprano performing on renowned opera and operetta stages across Europe.

For the past decade, I’ve applied creative discipline as a real estate agent specializing in residential properties in the city of Montreal and land in the Laurentians.

I find buying and selling land immensely creative, from envisioning dreams to making them come true.

Swiss-born and fluent in five languages, I offer my international clientele a world-class experience.

My extensive network includes:

Contacts at municipalities in the Laurentians Associate agents across Quebec Strong community ties to help you acclimate quickly.

My signature Swiss Precision Plan which empowers my clients to make informed, confident decisions during these life-changing experiences.

Past Clients

Listen to what our clients say
